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What's the FLL?

What's the FLL?

The First® Lego® Legaue (FLL) is a robotics competiton that introduces young people, ages 9 to 16, to the fun and excitement of science and technology. 


This year's challenge is called World Class, and it's about finding a better way to learn something.


This competition covers three aspects: 


The Scientific Project. It's the theoric part of the competition, where the participants will have to do a presentation explaining the chosen problem and its solution. 


The robot. It's the practic part of the competiton, where with a Lego® Mindstorms robot you will have to do some missions on a panel, with the aim to achieve the maximum of the points.


Core Values. In this part, you will have to show that your team has worked together, has interacted with other teams...

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